Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Two minute piece Images.

This shows the landscape view of the field and the park. We do a full 360 to show the whole field, as it is an establishing shot. I like the idea of having the camera also looking like its from a persons point of view.

The park is shown to make you look at a point on the screen instead of a plain field. We then zoomed into the swing showing it moving to add supsence and mystery as there is knowbody there. Also we tried to keep it as dark as possible even though it was very light when we started filming.

This shot focus's on the people walking, trying to keep it dark and keep the tension we thought about having the dark colours on the characters. When watching the shot we wanted to keep it like the camera was following these people and they do not no so they carry on.

This shot shows that the camera is facing downwards towards the feet. We thought that when you watch this low angle shot you get the feeling like someone is watching you movements. Before this printscreen is shows that the people walk inline with the level so it looks like there walking out of the camera.

This shot was suppose to be a shoulder level shot keeping in pace with the people walking. when you watching i think the effect we tried to create with this shot works well as the fast pace of the shot goes quite quickly but keeps in the tension. Also throughout the short piece the scenes get darker and darker which also adds to the effect of mystery.

The car going past i think acts like a seperator between the quiteness and supsence, but still has that sense of mystery in the shot. The clip works well in the place we put it however there is a time in this clip that the camera moves a little off the angle is is suppose to be at.

This shot shows that the characters are running away from something behind. I like the way you never see what it is they are being chased from. However the shot is quite dark and is a little difficult to see what is happening.

This shot is a little dark, but it shows the characters walking into the camera. While editing this video i tried to lighten the clip as it was very dark and hard to capture what was going on. But i think the darkness adds to the main aim of the 2 minute piece.

At the end of the filming, we decided to make it so the camera falls down and ends like something has happened. We tried to keep the shots relevent to the type of film we wanted to portray and i think it worked well.

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