Wednesday, 5 May 2010

My Preliminary Task

Planning my preliminary task i had to think how could we make a short film piece with someone entering and leaving a room after a few lines of dialogue. With my group we came up with the idea of a blind date, but not as you think. We have a lot to think about in making it convincing so we made three storyboards presenting what dialogue will be said, the character movements and the camera angles. We will be adding different camera shots like 180 degree rule, shot reverse shot and match on action. For our background noises we were thinking of some sort of ticking to resemble a timer, also having little finishing touches to make the film more realistic like adding a poster or a sign on the door. We thought that instead of having a full quick conversation we will make it more about the facial expressions and reactions about the mix up of dates. With the dialogue we haven't fully decided on what they will say but we have a rough idea about what they might say and the reactions, but the most the characters will say is about two sentences each. When filming we will properly trial and error the filming as we need to get every angle right, lighting and sounds. so far we have done a rough filming of what camera angles we would like and the movement of the characters. We also have taken photos at the view of the character of the surrounding they will see.

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