Problems:The problems we had when editing our film was that a actor's t the end of our recording the body isnt of full display only his torso is visible. this doesnt give the best effect of him storming out of the room. Also once we uploaded our film we realised that in the background their was carrier bags, and people in the shots so trying to cover them up or crop them out was very difficult as we had to make sure every bit of the before and after clips matched up evenly, so it doesnt jump too much and make it noticeable. We ended up making them just a lot more unnoticeable to the viewers. With the 180 degree we wanted to get the effect of walking around the table but if doing the whole table it would mean the actors kept cutting in over the recording, we did this a few times also by slowing there movements to get in front before they could cut in front of the camera this meant one of our camera angles the 180 degree rule was only half made we stopped once we got to the other side of the table in our film. When trying to slow our speed down of the dating sign at the beginning, our actors walking into the door and walking towards the other actor. This process was very long and confusing, we ending up slowing down each section by about half a second. The film after walking in was at a good speed and didnt need editing but only cropping.
Editing:With editing we had to cut down the scenes into the correct time sequences we wanted them to be as we did not want them to drag on making it less entertaining to watch. We pretty much did that with all of our film, then making the flow right was key to as some parts would jump for example one piece the actor hit the flowers on the floor stands up slightly then it jumps into the next recording of him sitting down. This part we edited and added the end scene of the flowers on the floor after he had dropped them to take the fast pace our of the actors movements then the part showed him getting up and leaving. At the beginning we thought instead of just watching the speed dating sign doing nothing we added a fast spin to it to grab your attention. With sound and music we looked for some approiate music but our film is about hearing the conversation.
This was hard to get perfect as the spin was too fast to even recognise what the sign says. We found out how to make it slower but we had to add another one of the same clip after the spiral as it would have been to fast even when slowed down. Changing the colour also the black and white for the whole film made the background less obvious as there were objects we did not want to see. For the end scene we added the flower shot fading out to conclude the film this summed up the final clip as it seemed very slow and ends up seeing nothing. But we had to add two of the same clip again as it would have been a bit fast for you to recognise what happened.
Overall the final film was successful as we got most of the shots we wanted only one was half way compleated and we know next time to plan out more carefully where we will do the filming, the time of day, the actors, and the background. We will need to make sure for our next piece keep out any unnecessary objects and props. choose the costume carefully, Plus make more time for ourselves to film. The way we finished the piece and managed to find out what the problems were whilst making and editing halped us improve our film and overcome some difficulties we had. Once choosing our location it was hard to find out what dialogue to say as when you start to film the mood changes within the room so the humour may be better when the dialogue is made up, That is what happened we made a rough dialogue and the actors improviced on what to say.
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